Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Winter Rebuilds 2015

With summer now just a distant memory – even the Club Triumph Ten Countries Run was two months ago now, what a rush it was getting several customer cars finished on time for the start of the event in the Netherlands and what a rush the event itself was too! I don’t think I have ever experienced more breath-taking scenery; there was just a constant stream of surprises from quaint local roadside cafes through huge 2.5Km + high mountains, tunnels, little rickety wooden bridges over mountain rivers. It seemed that there was something around almost every bend in the road.

Thoughts are now turning to winter rebuilds with orders confirmed for two engines to be built so far and a gearbox too. We have also had a late rush of ‘Reinstatement’ jobs this month, with no fewer than three cars arriving on the back of the transporter for sorting out and putting back on the road – that’ll give us something to while away the long dark hours until spring – think I had better order some more midnight oil for the lamps. 

The continuing rise in Classic Car prices seems to be fuelling more and more people’s efforts to dig old family motors out of hiding and get them back on the road. Either that or modern cars are so boring to drive that anyone with a sniff of a classic wants it ready for next year. Keep them coming I say, it’s just so nice to see them on the roads again.

My only reservation about all this work is that I have somehow to find the time to get my own little ‘garage find’ on the road in time for a few fairly important runs next year, the first of which is the Club Triumph ‘Tour of Ireland’ in May which I hope to be taking part in with my wife. Perhaps I had better stop typing and get to work – until next time then…………………